Monday, March 10, 2014

On the Brooks/Biddle GENED 130 videotaping: Don't Do Anything Today That You'll Regret Tomorrow! (by anon)

On Tuesday February 25, a professor from UW-Whitewater hosted a guest speaker, Eyon Biddle. Biddle's shocking statements during the Gened 130 class caused student, Kyle Brooks to take out his phone and start recording the conversation.

The speaker was invited to the class to talk about his experiences in state and local politics; beforehand, he was briefed on the topics that were previously taught in class. While Biddle was sharing his views and experiences he stated, "The context of 2010 was white rage, to be honest with you...white people having to pay for healthcare for blacks, browns and gays; racism with the first black president like you saw." Biddle's statements might be regrettable after his speech appeared on Facebook, YouTube, Campus Reform and on national news network, Fox.

While there may be some legality issues with student Brooks videotaping another person, I believe that Biddle should have come prepared with a speech that he would not mind the whole nation hearing. As a politician he should know better to say things, in any context, that he would not want to get around.  As the old saying goes, “don’t do anything today that you’ll regret tomorrow;” Biddle will probably think twice the next time he gives a personal speech.

As technology advances, people are always capturing "rare" moments and publishing them online and in most cases, there are no legal issues.  Biddle might be angry that his speech is appearing in a national spotlight, but would he be angry if the speech highlighted good traits? If people were honoring his speech would there be a question whether or not Brooks broke a law? This is where I believe there is a gray area.

I think as a student, Brooks should be able to record his class; he is paying for it after all.

The full video, captured by Kyle Brooks, can be found here

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