Wednesday, December 3, 2014

UW-Whitewater is Shutting Its Doors?

Everyone knows that universities and colleges are in big trouble.  With education becoming virtually free on the internet, our expensive institutions of higher education need to come up with bigger revenue streams quick if they are going to survive.

Enter UW-Whitewater.

Back a few years, these revenue concerns bothered the administration so much that they formed what they call the “Growth Initiative,” which is just a fancy way of saying that they are going to let as many students as possible through their doors so that the university can still be profitable.  No one knows if this “initiative” is working.

But something funny is happening now.  The dean of UW-Whitewater’s most noted college, the College of Business and Economics, left quite unexpectedly before this fall’s semester even started.  The Chancellor, Richard Telfer, just announced unexpectedly that he’s retiring at the end of this year.  News is circulating that Provost, Bev Kopper, has been applying to get out of Whitewater and is a finalist for positions at other schools.  And UW-Whitewater’s head football coach, Lance Leipold, is leaving for the University of Buffalo.  There are even rumors that many faculty are seeking employment elsewhere.

Why are all of these top UW-Whitewater people leaving??  I guess if the ship is sinking, it’s better to get off as soon as possible.


  1. Leipold got a 700% pay raise to coach a d1 program. I don't think this has anything to do with the decline of whitewater.

    1. just that football is the biggest thing here! now what!??!?!

  2. It does not matter that education is virtually free online. Most companies require the piece of paper. You can gain a great amount of knowledge online but Universities will always be around for any job that requires the degree instead of knowledge of the subject.

    Furthermore, I highly doubt that Whitewater is doomed. It is the 3rd largest public university in Wisconsin. Really think they will shut it down? No they will shut down smaller satellite schools before they close Whitewater. Whitewater will be safe for years to come.

    1. who cares about a fuckin piece of paper. everyone wants experience now.

    2. No they want both. Heard the saying they want 10 years experience, a degree and not older than 30. Its supposed to be a joke but the sad thing is some companies actually are posting these types of demands.

  3. I know of at least two professors who are trying to get out. May be they know something we dont know. Im a little worried.

  4. I'm glad to see that people are smart enough to see through this posting for what it's worth. It is very misleading and inaccurate. Faculty/staff at other universities around the state would love to work here and in many ways our campus is the envy of most institutions in Wisconsin. We have one of the highest tenure rates, faculty retention rates, and faculty/staff satisfaction rates across the entire UW System. Many people that I have kept in touch with after leaving UW-W have admitted that the grass turned out to be much browner than greener at their new institution. Ask colleagues at other institutions if they've gotten the compression adjustments that we've received in the past few years. Ask them if they received an end of year payment last year to try to make up for the limited pay increases that the state has given us the past decade. Ask them if they received the type of professional development support that we provide. Ask them if they get a new computer on their office desk every three years. Most will answer no. Certainly no place is perfect but we are damn fortunate to work here.
