Monday, October 22, 2012

Drama at the cross-walk (by anon)

I pull up to a crosswalk in my car, and although i have places to be, I wait for the sluggish college student to walk across the crosswalk .  On most occasions, I have no prroblem with pedestrians at crosswalks, but it REALLY angers me when students think they can walk as slowww as molasses in Winter time, and not even acknowledge the driver! On Seriously, get your butt in gear, and get a move on.  I could be a major a$$, and blow right past you, as you slowly march across the road without even looking to see if there was a car coming.  Ummm I'm not going to be responsible for your safety when all you're displaying is pure stupidity.  Something you could try do do are: A) When you see a car coming, wait to see if the car will actually stop.  many times cars will try to speed right past the pedestrian so they don't have to put up with folks like yourself.  B) Wave to acknowledge and thank the driver for not running you over. C) Get your bootie across that road like we both have somewhere to be, because I know I do! Please be respectful to drivers who are waiting on you, because they are showing respect to you!


  1. I appreciate the fact that you say you do slow down when you approach the crosswalk. As a daily walker, I often get nervous when cars wait until the last second to slow down before the crosswalk. So, thank you for being patient, even with the slow walkers!

  2. Good news! Pedestrians have the right of way. Always. I do agree that people should would for cars to come to a full stop first, but cars are the danger. You are not responsible for pedestrian safety, but rather your own driving. If you hit one of these pedestrians, you are legally responsible. Not the pedestrian. Use your eyes and watch. A good driver watches everything around him or her. No, I will not thank the driver for not hitting me when all I am doing is crossing the street legally. Now, if I do something dumb and cross illegally and he or she stops for me, I will then apologize and thank them. It is your responsibility to go slow within heavy crossing zones. As for your final point, not everyone walks at the same speed. Be patient. It is people who are in a constant hurry, like yourself, who cause accidents of all kinds.

  3. I usually try to walk fast across the street, but there have been several times where the car keep inching up further, so I'm not sure if they are trying to go before I walk across or if they are just doing it for no reason, but to a pedestrian, a moving car is not something you want to walk in front of.

    And legally, pedestrians always have the right of way, so I never wave to thank a car for letting me pass because it's what they're supposed to do. This is a college campus, so there are certain areas that are going to have a lot of foot traffic, and just avoid these areas if you can if it really bothers you.

  4. For one, you are not the center of the universe and waiting an extra 15 seconds at a crosswalk is not going to majorly affect your day.
    Two, you probably wasted a lot more than that amount of time just bitching about it in this blog (among plenty of other things I'm sure).
    Three, if you posted this for extra credit in a class, I don't think you should get any because this post SUCKED.
    I'm so sick of reading posts like this - whiny, snobby students bitching about the tiniest inconveniences. For fuck's sake, you have GOT to have something more important to be critically pissed about.

    1. LOL, you forgot to #firstworldproblems

  5. Oh please! Get over it and expand your thinking process. Take a World of Ideas class.

    1. Better yet, take Internation Law as an online class. The awesome arguements you can have there...
