Sunday, December 18, 2011

Mother Teresa, may she rot in Hell (by anon)

You should know that Mother Teresa was a shithead of the worst kind.  I’d understand if you don’t want to read any further based on where this is going, but my guess is that you know very little about this woman.  My guess is that you are one of the millions of people who have been shamelessly duped into believing that this woman is a saint and a paradigm of godliness.  She is far from it.  Keep reading.

Mother Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, India.  There she took care of the suffering, sick, poor, and dying.  She won international acclaim and awards for her work as well as received millions of dollars in donations to continue her work with the poor.  With that money, Mother Teresa opened up Missionaries of Charities operations all over the world in 133 countries.

This all sounds wonderfully holy so far.  She vowed poverty for herself, she cared for the poor and suffering, and she used the donated money to help more of the poor and suffering.  If there were such a thing as altruism, this would do it.  Alas, it is time for the shackles to fall off one’s eyes.

Mother Teresa’s goal was to generate as much suffering as possible both intentionally and unintentionally.  First, the intentional part.  If you found yourself in her mission, you would find the living conditions horrible.  You would be given scant shavings of food, cold baths, inadequate medical care (reused needles and a lack of good medical diagnoses), and you couldn’t even leave your bed.  The living conditions there were poorer than the poverty stricken regions in Calcutta.  This was intentional.  Why intentional?  Mother Teresa was the firmest believer in suffering, for it is through suffering that one gets closer to God and it is in suffering that one does the work of God.  She says, “Without suffering, our work would just be social work, very good and helpful, but it would not be the work of Jesus Christ, not part of the Redemption.”  Reread that quote if you don’t get the full impact of what she said.  It means that if she actually helped the poor and suffering find peace and become healed, it would mean that her work is not God’s work.  She kept the suffering suffering so that God’s work would remain.  Countless people died at her mission, as well at the other missions she founded, because she valued suffering as divine.  She could have used some of the millions of dollars in donations to improve the poor living conditions at her missions and update their medical practices, but that was not a priority to her.  You will see, shortly, what her priority was.

Second, her unintentional commitment to generate undue suffering comes with her ardent assertions against any means of birth control.  She found birth control an abomination to God and a slippery slope to murder of all kinds.  This is a common Catholic teaching, but this was a persistent, vocal platform of hers, especially regarding the use of birth control with the poor.  Unfortunately, if one wanted to help end poverty in many third-world regions, the main avenue is to implement birth control.  The overwhelming consensus of sociologists and economists agree that overpopulation is the leading cause of poverty.  Overpopulation + few resources = disaster.  Thus, if women were given the means for birth control, and the population growth in poverty-stricken areas began to decrease, poverty would decrease.  Mother Teresa unintentionally fought stridently against such a solution (though I’m not sold that it was really unintentional, but we’ll call it that for now).  She helped keep the poor poor.

What did happen to the millions of dollars in donations if they didn’t go to actually helping the poor and suffering gain a better quality of life?  They went to opening up hundreds of Missionaries of Charity that function more as convents to proselytize rather than as organizations dedicated to helping the poor.  The money given by people in hopes of helping those in need was redirected into evangelical efforts.  Mother Teresa gave false promises in order to promote her fundamentalism.  She promoted her fundamentalism to the neglect of those suffering under her own care.

There is more, but this is a good taste.  Most of what I have given here are the facts.  You cannot argue with the facts.  What you can argue with is my judgment, that Mother Teresa was a shithead for her treatment of the suffering and her dishonest advancement of her own faith.  But I hardly find how anyone in good conscience could disagree with my assessment.

written in honor of the late Christopher Hitchens


  1. I drink a toast of Johnny Walker Black Label. In honor of Christopher Hitchens, accept no substitute. Cheers.

  2. "Most of what I've given here are the facts." *Most*? Do you mean the rest is, what, conjecture?

    "You cannot argue with the facts." Perhaps, but I can dispute whether what you claim as a fact is actually a true statement. So, where are the sources for your mostly factual claims?

  3. I disagree with your interpretation because I have been to India and Calcutta twice. You have no idea of the level and depth of poverty in India and Calcutta in particular unless you have been there. You may take issue with her faith but she did a lot of good in Calcutta. I have visited the mission and seen the babies being fed, families given a place to live to avoid rape and murder in the crime infested streets of Calcutta. Just go there and talk to the people who live there. They love her and Calcutta is a hot bed of unions and radical politics, as well as having an active socialist party. I have never heard A. Roy, one of the leading Indian activist, take issue with Mother Theressa. You are the only one that I am aware of who has said nasty things about her without any evidence.

    Don't be so quick to tear someone down. So what have you done or doing for the poor? By the way, Hitch, one of the finest essayist in the world, would never write something so mean. Read his books, Arguably, Hitch, Why Orwell Matters, and God is not Great, and his past work for Vanity Fair and use him as a model if you like him so much.

  4. Hitchens would have never said the things I was saying nor in the way they were said???? You apparantly have never read or heard Hitchens on this issue! He's often much more vitriolic!! Shit. Know what you're saying before you say it. Hitchens is quite candid that he is happy for Mother Teresa's death and that the world is a much better place without her. He saddles her squarely for the death of millions of people. He calls her the biggest con job of the 20th century. Have you even cracked his book The Missionary Position, which is his biting and condemning analysis of her? You cite some of his other writing but show no real familiarity with Hitchens.

  5. Hitchens calls Mother Teresa a fake, fraud, and fundamentalist of the worst kind.

  6. Say what you may, but the poster is right about Hitchens.

  7. I am a follower of Christ and if Mother Theresa is burning in hell then dead ass Hitchens is right next to her. He was one hypocritical son of a bitch who who was a bisexual neocon wannabe who thrumped up the invasion of Iraq where over a million people died. So fuck Hitchens! He abandoned his wife and kids to hang with the sodomites. So I say, burn you neocon burn.

  8. Mother Theresa was not the best con man of all time. Perhaps Hitchens was. I can read between the lines. He loved Mother Theresa. He hates the hype around Mother Theresa (just as I hated the hype around Tim Tebow). Fads come and go, but who will neveer change? Hitcens changed. Theresa changed. I have changed. The author of this post has changed, and I sincerely hope he will change again. Who is the one imprisoned? Is it Theresa and her "followers"-or is it Leonard Peikoff and his?

    Do you hear me, friend?

  9. Change is only good where change is needed. When you hit upon something right, why ever leave? dear friend?

  10. Jonathan, I needed to change. So do you-that's why you should get out of Whitewater. No one here (besides me) wants to hear what you have to say about Objectivism anymore, which is a shame because Rand had such a great mind. You and I cannot let what she said go to waste. I will still be in Wisconsin when you get back. You'll find friends there, and you won't need to try to convince me-or anyone else-that only Ayn Rand Institute-style Objectivism is the "right" way. I don't think it is, but I can't convince you. See for yourself. It is not a coincidence that the ARI is based in California. Things have to get worse for us sometimes before they will get better. You will know happier times than your three years at Whitewater.

  11. How did this turn to Objectivism?

  12. 8:56, god works in mysterious ways, let's just leave it at that.

  13. 10:50, there is no God. God is the biggest scam of the world. The only mystery is how so many dumbasses believe in such a thing. To think that somebody 2000 years ago paid for my sins with fluids from his body is the biggest piece of shit I have ever heard. Do people actually take stock of what they believe?

    1. Liar liar pants on fire. Such a shallow mind you have that you can't get passed physical sense.

  14. 11:43. how do you know there is no God. Are you God. Jesus died for your sins, and you will burn like Hitchens who is burning now. God gave him cancer for writing the book, God is not Great. Mother Thersa is in heaven with the holy father. You will burn. The Rapture is near and you will not be saved. God is great. He saved me. He could save you. Just call out to Jesus. He loves you.

    1. You truly are a tosser of the highest order. It's people like you that reaffirm my belief that closed minded religious gobshites are a blight on society. - And regards to your rediculous statement that Christopher Hitchens got cancer because he was blaspheming god or an atheist - is not only inaccurate but insensitive and cruel - mr Christian.
      One thing I can assure you as a doctor working with oncology patients every day - cancer or god appears to be far more indiscriminate re: who gets cancer - I've just as many if not more wonderful people - many of them God fearing - struck down in the prime of their lives with incurable cancer. - Many of these people with you children who will be left without parents. - Is this also the work of a so called loving God?
      I stopped believing in god a long time ago - if there is a god he must be either totally inept or even worse doesn't really care.
      It reminds me of that redicuous Christian short that hangs up on so many walls - you know - "Footprints" - paraphrased as when one is at their darkest hour or suffering god carries them. Well come to my hospital and I'll show you some very distressed people - and "God" is certainly not carrying them. What rubbish!
      And as far as mother Teresa is concerned - I only wish there was a hell for that fundamentalist hypocrite to go to!

  15. 11:43, you sound like a real genuine Christian. Do you get off sounding like a dork?

  16. Anon 5;31, your ignorance makes it so much harder for Christians who are not mentally impaired.

    Telling people they will burn and that God gave people illnesses such as cancer is a real good way to show God's love... Also, saying that God works in mysterious ways and to just leave it at that holds absolutely no weight among nonbelievers. You are making no argument and sound silly for posting something like "God works in mysterious says, let's just leave it at that," in a blog that is mostly nonbelievers. Know your audience before you speak/write something and you will come out much better.

    I am posting this as a Christian, by the way.

    1. You're right about the Anonymous who posted at 5:31. But those other things that you posted make me wonder if you're an excuse for a Christian.

  17. your all wrong, praise Allah. For he is the one true God

  18. I wish Allah existed so I could call her a cunt to her face...but alas, neither she, nor Yahweh, nor any of the other mental fantasies of eternal power who have been widely worshiped through the history of man exist...a shame, really...

    1. I wish that you God struck you down and sent you to hell for posting that.

  19. In reply to your comment on January 1 2012 at 11:35PM, I would say that you would find this out when you pass away. So stay tuned. :D

  20. You prejudiced asswipe! How dare you lie about Mother Theresa! You should burn in hell instead.
