It seems that about half of the population believes in ghost stories, while the other half believes that the actuality of ghosts is impossible. When pondering life after death, the word ‘ghost’ always works its way into the conversation. Life after death is possible because there are ghosts. Life after death is not possible and there is no such thing as ghosts. There is more to the subject of life after death than ghosts. An easy way to summarize reasoning for the possibility is, simply, energy. Life after death is possible because our souls consist of pure energy and energy cannot be created nor destroyed.
For the record, energy can be measured. It can be detected, weighed, and even seen. We have proof that energy is not a false premise. Ghosts are a form of energy. We can detect their presence by the feel of sudden coldness on our skin, a machine detecting energy shifts in a room, and we can record them on video. Nevertheless, as previously stated, ghosts are not the only factors of the afterlife, just an easy way to start things off. So, let’s start from the beginning.
When we’re born, at that moment, we are given a life; a soul. That soul is the essence of our being. It doesn’t make us who we are, but it provides us our life. In the womb we are completely dependent on our mothers to provide nutrients, warmth, and life. It is not until we’re born that we learn to breathe, shout, and see light for the first time. That’s when our souls unite with our bodies. When we experience death is when the soul leaves a body. A body cannot live forever. Since a soul is pure energy, it needs somewhere to go.
This brings in the idea of reincarnation. After our souls escape our body, they need a new place to be housed. If something relatively near is being born at that time, then that is where the soul will end up. Whether this new body is a new baby squirrel, another human, or even a little caterpillar, the energy once housed in our body will take up new residency. Every animal has a soul; a source of energy. We may not call it a ‘soul’ per say, but that’s what it truly is.
Some people don’t believe in reincarnation; it’s just not possible. Going back to the ghost factor, imagine that a body has died. Assuming there is a soul, it is energy, and it needs to be housed somewhere, what if nothing else around this body is happening? The soul is trapped, and so it will wonder around that area, forever longing to find another body to be housed in. Now imagine this person’s life ended tragically, still planning on living at least twenty more years. That soul may not be able to move on to another being, because the first person’s mind has not died along with it. The soul, now a spirit, will cling to life and hold on to frustrated feelings held from that life; never ready to move on.
In a way that most people are not used to thinking, yes, there is life after death. It’s hard to wrap your brain around at first, but it’s really the only logical answer to death in general. What happens when I die? That is one of the most pressing questions for most people in life. Well, if you must know, here is your answer. There is life after death. It may not be exactly how one is raised to believe or not to believe. In short, our souls are made of pure energy, the source of our person’s energy, and because of the fact that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it must transfer from our bodies as we pass, to another’s.