Thursday, September 22, 2011

What did you say?? Professors with foreign accents (by anon)

I would first just like to say that I'm not one of those "Speak English or go home!" kind of people. The issue I'm having in classes though is i can't understand some of my professors. Three of my six teachers are Immigrants and have some sort of accent. And its not the kind of small entertaining accent that people on TV have, there really thick and hard to understand. There have been many times in those classes were The Professor has asked a question or addressed another student and they have to repeat themselves two or three times because the whole class asks, "what are you saying?" I think if you have a job were you spend your day speaking to English speaking students and you have a thick accent, you should be required to take some form of speech program to lessen the thickness of your speech.


  1. Well years ago they did have more standards regarding foreign profs. Now no one gives a damn. My advice to you is live with it and pay closer attention. Don't go to sleep in class.

  2. I don't learn anything when I can't understand the prof. Why does Whitewater hire those people? Do they ever ask themselves during the interviews, "If I'm having trouble understanding this person, I wonder if our students will?"

  3. If more American students went into math, science, or business, instead of opting out for weak ass cup cake majors, there would be more English speaking profs in these fields to select from, but American students run from hard subjects like they are malaria. So colleges and universities have no choice but to select from foreign speaking profs. So if you want to reduce the number of foreign speaking profs, then consider majoring in science or math, go to grad school and become a prof. Otherwise, sit in the front of the room and listen. Well, it is not exactly true that you cannot learn anything. You have the book, the syllabus, so study on your own, or drop the class and get into another one. Sort of silly for you to sit in this class all semester, so stop complaining, it is what it is. So do something! Form a study group!!!!

  4. hahahahha, this post is awesome

  5. also, business

    yes business



  6. Most of the foreign speaking profs are in COB, and this school is ranked high in Wisconsin so they must not be bringing it down too much. The other hot bed of foreign speaking profs is in Math, and they have some real crazies over in this department. From what I know, they should move this entire department, except for a few good profs, over to the Madison zoo and this would be a step up. Until they get a good math programs on this campus, students should be allowed to substitute logic for the math requirement.

  7. If you have so many professors with thick accents, it's weird how you haven't gotten used to it yet. Maybe they're not the problem?

  8. I am not paying 10's of thousands a year to hear words I cannot understand! Maybe the number of professors with heavy accents should be disclosed on the University's website instead of financial aid numbers. Eeven with finacial aid course material you cant decipher isn't a deal!

  9. and its always the hardest subjects! you actually need to hear to be able to learn calc!

  10. Completely agree, the argument that they are so good in the subject that the student should get over it is completely sided with the University which has already taken your money, and provided you with a steaming pile of frustration. People defending these practices are like good slaves who refuse to see any negativity associated with globalism.

    If you pay for a service, you should receive what you paid for. I curse the day the civil rights act was passed, for the little good it did, it has massive drawbacks which are starting to become undeniable. It was not democratic, and has damaged the majority of Americans through the lowering of academic standards.
