Thursday, January 27, 2011

Facebook (by Anon)

A website to connect friends, to allow people to know what you are doing at all times, and to allow everyone know how you are feeling;  Facebook.   First, many people use it as their own online diary.  People post things talking about how depressed they are, how upset they are, or how much better they are than everyone else.  It isn’t something people care about reading, yet people still do.  Next, children who are in elementary school have a Facebook.  They can hardly type, let alone be able to have a Facebook, which was meant for college students in the first place.  Then, some people add some of their friends to “creep.”  When I started to date my boyfriend, his ex-girlfriend and all of friends tried to add me.  I would message them and ask if I knew them, because I’m not the type of person to add people who I don’t know; especially if they are one if his ex-girlfriends’ friends.  Some of them did not respond, some just said no, and my favorite told me that she had math class with my boyfriend in junior year of high school.  Why would I add you?  I would not talk to you, let alone ever look at your page.  I know they all tried adding me so they could “creep” and see what I look like, or what I am doing.   Finally, there are pages now, for example: Milwaukee’s Uglys, Rate Wi, Positively Milwaukee, and Milwaukee Legits.  Some of the people who made these pages show who they are and some don’t.  I don’t know who gave these people the rights to say if someone is beautiful, ugly, or average.  Some of the sites are degrading, and some are supposed to make you feel better about yourself.  Either way, I think they are all unnecessary.  People just need to get over themselves and just use Facebook for what it was created for, to communicate to your friends and keep in touch with people.--Anonymous


  1. But there are so many things that are unnecessary. Why pick on Facebook? What about most of TV? Blogs spewing too much information or dumb shit that no one cares about? The shitload of magazines at the doctor's office that tell me how to be a better person, a more fit person, a more beautiful person, a person who can have sex better? Actually, I think I agree with you, but that we could rant about a lot more unnecessary intrusive things in our lives.

  2. Facebook is both good and bad. In Egypt, for example, as well as the recent elections in Iran, protesters against dictatorial rule have used Face Book to stay in touch and communication after the governments closed down radio and television stations and other established communication systems. So love it or leave it. Its here to stay.

  3. The creeping is just creepy. The thought of dirty old men scanning for pictures and reading what I write makes me almost want to close my account. But I like my friends.

  4. As with any media, it can be overused and used for bad things. Still, the more and more media we get, it appears that we are fine with exposing ourselves more and more. Maybe this is a slope that goes much farther down and we cannot stop?

  5. Facebook is good for one thing - connecting with friends, family, co-workers, etc.
    Most people, especially young people, use it to show themselves off, with that "look at me! It's all about me!" mentality.
    Not to mention what you've said about "creeping". People think that as long as they are hiding behind a computer screen, it doesn't matter what they do, or whose privacy they infringe upon. Luckily one can easily change privacy settings so one cannot even be found when searched, and so only friends can see anything that is displayed on one's page.

  6. It is not just dirty old men that are scanning the Face Book pages, its dirty men and women, but the bottom line is - don't put it out there in the first place. If you do, then it is fair game. In short, be more discriminating with your personal information.

  7. Forget all the useless trivial stuff, people in Egypt are using Face Book and other social networks to communicate. Mubarak pulled the "kill switch" and closed the entire Internet down in the country, but information is still getting out.

    Read the following on Huffington

    Post.01/29/2011 9:11 PM Egyptian Student Reports: Inside The Revolution Jessica Elsayed, a 17-year-old Youth Journalism International senior reporter and student from Alexandria, Egypt, has posted an article about her experience amidst the protests.

    Elsayed reports:

    I can hear booms outside from tear gas canisters exploding. The police station next door caught fire last night. As part of a new people’s militia, men from my building are guarding us with wooden sticks or knives. One neighbor has two swords. The butcher down the street sharpened knives and handed them out, not out of violence but for protection. Looters are not welcome in my neighborhood. Elsewhere in the city, they’ve pillaged a big mall, driven off with new BMWs and attacked many jewelry stores by shattering windows and grabbing all they can. It’s pretty intense. Those who are doing the looting and setting the fires are from the police, something they’re not saying on television but everyone knows it. It’s really distressing. The government blames protesters but everyone knows who’s really doing it. I’m not scared because I trust the men in my building and I trust my neighbors. It’s very brave of them to stand guard. No one sleeps as we watch the televised images of the revolution going on throughout Egypt, including my hometown. Americans across the country came together in support of Egypt today. Check out our collection of stunning images here.
    01/29/2011 9:05 PM Anonymous Internet Users Helping Egyptians Communicate

    HuffPost's Craig Kanalley and Jake Bialer report:

    "Internet not working, police cars burning," sent out one Egyptian. "Today marks a great day for Egypt," sent out another.

    These messages weren't coming from mobile phones or computers, but from an amateur radio sending out Morse Code somewhere amidst the chaos in Egypt.

    The Egyptian government's efforts to limit communications within the country has triggered a wave of activism from an international group of free speech activists on the Internet called Telecomix.
