Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Screwing up history and stupid-smart professors (by anon)

This is a really annoying thing that people do all the time. It usually goes something like this: This historical event X from a long time ago happened and TO PUT THIS IN CONTEXT that would be like X happened today. This is really ironic because they are not putting it in context; they are literally taking it out of its context and putting it in a new context. People do this all the time and it usually doesn’t bother me and I just brush it off a something stupid people say when they are trying to act smart. But, when a professor does this, I get really annoyed and pissed. You’re a professor so smart, grad school educated, and well rounded right. So, why do you do something so stupid? I’ve had several professors do this on multiple subjects.

Now to be fair professors are people and people make mistakes, but continuously, come on, to branch this annoyance to a bigger problem, one that I call the stupid-smart people. I don’t mean stupid-smart like crazy smart or ridiculously smart. I mean literally this person is stupid, but appears and even may think they are smart. I’m no genius, but I do try to not just regurgitate information I’ll already been taught. I see this a lot and one could probably argue that that is all society does. Some information can only be repeated, can’t really add anything to 1 + 1 = 2. The key difference, I think, between people who are smart and those that are stupid are their ability to reason, or use critical thinking. I understand that smart-ness is very subjective. But, I think a smart people can get information and use it in a number ways that that person hasn’t been directly taught to do.

To bring this full circle I am accusing some college professors of being stupid-smart people. I could be wrong, but I see more reasons to think it’s true than false. If you’re teaching your power point and someone asks a very insightful relevant question and you just turn your head and say “oh that’s interesting,” and keep going like the question never even happened then you’re probably a stupid smart person. Your inability to even consider the question or address it shows you’re inability to think of applicable uses for the information outside of what you’ve already been taught. Maybe, you’re just lazy or really tired those days, if it were a rare occurrence it wouldn’t bother me as much. This has been going on and happening through the entire school year so don’t blame the coming summer. I'm often not even the one asking the question so it's not like I'm looking to trick or catch professors. I’ve been noticing it more and more in fact, but that’s probably due to me watching for it more. Only some professors do it and the ones that do it, continuously do it.


  1. I have no idea what you mean by:

    "This historical event X from a long time ago happened and TO PUT THIS IN CONTEXT that would be like X happened today."

    Why would you accuse some college profs of being student smart and then in the same sentence say that you could be wrong. It appears like you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

    So sit your arse down!

  2. Did you even read my post?

    1) If you don't understand how taking historical events out of their historic content and putting them in the current modern content in an effort to better understand the event is wrong then you are a lost cause.

    2) I don't accuse teachers of being "student smart" I accuse them of being "stupid smart" (stupid smart's meaning is explained in post)

    3) I didn't say in the same sentence I could be wrong. In a different sentence I say "I could be wrong BUT I see more reasons to think it's true than false.

    If you did really read my post then you are an idiot. I hope you just miss read it.

  3. I will say that I agree with your sentiments about "stupid smart" teachers, having experienced this myself. Mistaking intelligence for simply being trained to repeat information that you've absorbed is incredibly frustrating.

    However, and perhaps I misunderstand as well, I do find it somewhat hypocritical that you give these sentiments after your argument about historical context; there's a difference between taking an event out of context and applying that historical event to a current event where it is relevant. This ability is far different, if not nearly opposite, than regurgitating facts. After all, several issues of today parallel those of history.

  4. Unfortunately, for most teachers 'knowing' means repeating information without having any idea how to use it.
